Coventry Bike Project
Coventry and Warwickshire Co-operative Development Agency (CDA) has been funded by WMCA to deliver “The Coventry Way,” one of several West Midland Cluster projects,
The Project focuses on Social Enterprises that meet core community needs, helping them to consider how they diversify their offer, grow and satisfy community need.
As part of the project CDA networked with and interviewed Social Enterprises and other community organisations operating in the social economy to identify Community need in the St Michaels ward of Coventry. The ward includes areas amongst the most deprived 10% in England.
Conversations with the Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre and other local organisations indicated a demand for bikes for those newly arrived in Coventry.

With no provision in the City, clients are referred to the Bike Project in Birmingham.
Referrals are limited to 11 per month with an average wait of 5/6 months for clients to receive an appointment after the referral.
Requests for bikes are currently running at around 20- 25 per month - there is limited capacity/resource within CRMC to support clients with these referrals/waiting time/after care. This is resulting in travel issues for many migrants in Coventry.
As part of the work on the Cluster Project in St Michaels seeking to understand the activities and services that are available in the area and the needs of the community, CDA met with the Peace House Charity. Within this project sits the Coventry Cycle Centre that repair and refurbish donated bikes that are then sold to the local community. Four volunteers manage and lead the project on Tuesdays from 10.00am to 2.00pm – offering a safe space to those who want to help out. This project is operating on a very small scale and cannot keep up with demand.
CWCDA also identified The Positive Youth Foundation have been running “Go Foleshill” since 2020 – with a focus on addressing health inequalities and partner with the Muslim Resource Centre to develop and run Female Only cycling activities They also have a new venue at Broad Heath Primary School where they are running female and young people sessions. – and partner with British Cycling and Coventry City Council to deliver cycling activities They are also looking to train coaches from within the local community to deliver sessions
As the mapping of projects and subsequent conversations continued, CDA identified other organisations including Coventry City Mission who collect bikes that are donated for recycling at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre and Motorvate UK - an established community-based organisation which repairs, recycles and redistributes bikes to the Coventry community.
Following on from this work CDA facilitated an action group to establish a Coventry Bike Project and is currently working with volunteers to establish a separate CIC to develop capacity within Coventry to repair and refurbish bikes. Conversations are taking place to develop the supply of Bikes with the West Midlands police and Coventry rail station. CWCDA is also supporting the action group to secure funding and gain support from statutory bodies, e.g. Coventry City Council.
The Coventry Way Cluster project has identified and connected local organisations and is acting as a facilitator to alleviate a significant social problem in Coventry.
The projects innovative approach has enabled a local community to find solutions to its transport problem. Further work will enable the Coventry Bike Project to begin operating and help to solve the transport issue for migrants. The project will also support Coventry City Council in trying to make Coventry an environmentally friendly City.
Make Good Grow
Make Good Grow matches charities across Warwickshire with private sector businesses and professionals to provide them with a range of support according to their needs. With 1 to 1 support from experts within particular fields, good causes have the opportunity to learn, develop, and ask questions of experts, with Make Good Grow supporting both parties. Businesses and Passioneers get to give back by supporting charities with their skill set and offering help on a topic they feel confident in discussing.
They also offer a range of business support workshops.
The Challenge
Make Good Grow wanted to convert their legal structure to a Community Interest Company to better suit their social ethos. They had been quoted £4,000 by a firm of solicitors and approached CDA to see if we could help instead.
Meeting the Challenge
- Explained the conversion process
- Advised about the options for the name change
- Provided CIC regulator guidance for Community Interest Companies so that the implications of conversion were fully understood
- Provided copies of the relevant forms needed by Companies House and the CIC regulator.
- Advised re. the options for a new governing document
- Prepared the new articles
- Drafted the Special Resolution form for Companies House
- Advised on the wording of the special resolution
- Advised about the implications of having an asset lock
- Advised on the submission of forms to Companies House
The Outcome
Make Good Grow was converted to a Community Interest Company on 5th August 2024.
Find out more:
Guardian Ballers CIC
GUARDIAN BALLERS is a mental and emotional wellbeing service that is empowering young people through Basketball and Educational sessions to:
- BALL | Enabling engagement, progression and enjoyment in the Sport of Basketball.
- BE | Educating about mental and emotional well-being, exploring the value of character and identity, as a foundation for impacting current and future life circumstances.
- BETTER | Facilitating practical experiences with local charities and community organisations, to discover how to make the world better.
Guardian Ballers aims to tackle the disproportions in mental health, sporting, and socio-economic statistics by focusing (not exclusively, but intentionally) delivery on certain communities: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicities, those from Lower Socio-Economic backgrounds, and Females.
The Challenge
Establishing an independent Community Interest Company and developing sustainability.
Meeting the Challenge
Stage 1 June 21-April 22. Incorporation. CDA supported Guardian Ballers to spin out of Coventry and Warwickshire MIND and establish itself as an independent Community Interest Company in April 2022.
Stage 2 April – August 2022. Start Up tasks. CDA provided support with start-up tasks e.g. Company bank account; Establishment of financial and bookkeeping procedures; Appointment of accountant for annual accounts; Draft Budget and Cashflow projection; Business insurance; Data Protection; Policies and Procedures; DBS checks; Governance;
Stage 3 September 2022 - April 2023. Business Development and Income Generation. CDA provided extensive support relating to funding opportunities and information to support bids. bids together with support on issues relating to annual accounts, reporting to Companies House, Compliance, Employment contracts. By March 2023 sufficient income had been generated to create two jobs (Total 1.6 FTE).
Stage 4 April 2023 – November 2023. Consolidation. CA provided continuing support with funding opportunities and bid writing. Support with annual accounts. Support to draft policies and procedures.
Stage 5 December 2023- June 2024. Continuation funding. CDA provided support to help with the replacement of contracts and funding streams that were coming to an end. We were instrumental in bringing in the following support:
- UnLtd Award: Grant of £12,000 plus specialist support. A further award of £12,000 is pending.
- ACCESS funding: Grant of £7,500 to establish an online shop to develop an ongoing income stream.
- Aston University funding: £2k up front plus £4k plus £4k dependent on trading plus specialist support.
The Outcome
Guardian Ballers is now into its third year of operation.
Further information:
ESH Community
Activities: ESH Community is a fully residential addiction treatment centre based in Warwickshire providing specialist alcohol and drug treatment including detoxification and rehabilitation support.
Vision: Provision of focussed personalised support by professional staff who have their own experience of addiction enabling our residents to achieve sustained ongoing recovery and a life free from addiction.
Mission: We are very clear about what makes a successful rehab and what makes it work for each and every individual resident – it’s the interaction between people, the staff, the individuals with the addiction problem, and their families and friends.
Impact: Improving the health and wellbeing of our residents enabling them to become productive members of the community. Rebuilding broken family units, reducing the stress and improving their overall health and wellbeing. Reducing crime and the drain on police resources and emergency services. Reduced cost for central healthcare services including A&E departments, GP practices and NHS. Reducing unemployment and reliance on benefits including housing support therefore reducing the overall local authority expense.
Support from CWCDA: Incorporation; governance; funding; sustainability and growth; business planning; commissioning and procurement
Further information:
The Parenting Project &
The Growth Pool
Legal Structure: Registered Charity and Limited Company with a Community Interest Company subsidiary.
Activities: Family Wellbeing Support; Counselling; Parent Mentoring; Groups; Special Programmes; Parent Wellbeing Coaching; School Wellbeing Coaching; Organisation Wellbeing Coaching.
Vision: Our vision is that we will be there to improve lives for children, young people and their
families when support is needed and continue to develop our range of services, programmes and projects in response to their needs.
Mission: To improve the life experiences and outcomes of children, young people and their families by providing services and support at a time when they are most needed.
Impact: In the year to March 2022- 1,940 individuals benefited from our support. Beneficiaries including children 0-19 (25 if SEND) parents and carers and other specific groups supported by special projects. Outcomes: Improved wellbeing of the whole family; Strengthened relationships; We enable parents to overcome difficulties, make choices and move towards goals they set for themselves; 86% of clients in counselling throughout 2021/22 improved their wellbeing.
Support from CWCDA: Income diversification; trading; governance; feasibility testing; pricing; social impact; budgeting and financial projections; funding; business planning; incorporation of subsidiary; investment readiness; policies and procedures; supplier contracts.
Further information: |
Graduate Planet CIC
Activities: An award-winning recruitment agency sourcing newly graduated to highly experienced staff within engineering, food production, IT and environmental sustainability related industries. Graduate Planet reinvests 100% of profit into educating the next generation about environmental sustainability solutions through exciting and engaging workshops to create awareness, encourage positive action and inspire careers within environmental sustainability.
Vision: Long term environmental sustainability
Mission: To provide education nationwide so that the next generation are equipped to create long term environmental sustainability
Social/Environmental Impact: Approximately 600 children a year take part in: water conservation and protection workshops; visits to solar and wind farms to learn about renewable energy production and energy conservation; urban biodiversity workshops; and Lego sustainable city workshops which involve building a giant environmentally sustainable city to get a better understanding of what a city should look like.
Support from CWCDA: Funding; stakeholder mapping; investment readiness; recruitment; suppliers; commissioning and procurement; social impact measurement; sales and marketing.
Further information: