Extra Ability Jobs Programme - Coventry & Warwickshire CDA

Employment Support

Operating within the community our friendly and approachable advisers assist people from a range of backgrounds to improve their chances of finding employment.

Coventry & Warwickshire CDA advisers can support you to:

Look for employment and make job applications

Improve interview techniques and build confidence

Explore career options and interests

Develop skills to find work (e.g. using the internet)

Coventry & Warwickshire CDA

Ways we can help

Working in Warwickshire Programme

Employment and skills support for Ukrainians, Afghans and Hong Kongers in Warwickshire. Access to wider Warwickshire community services and support.

Employability Workshops and Available Activities:

  • Guide to employment in the UK
  • CV and application forms
  • Interview techniques
  • Job searching workshops

Weekly employability workshops running across Warwickshire.

Find out more
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Coventry Employment & Skills project

Employment and skills support for the economically inactive in Coventry.

Gain valuable skills through training, and support to prepare or move into employment.

  • Identify your career goals
  • Attend employability workshops
  • Identify & apply for job vacancies
  • Create a CV & covering letter
  • Gain job interview skills
  • Gain support into volunteering
Find out more
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